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Male:- head and body about 6 inches. Female is slightly smaller. Weight:- about 120g and males are heavier than females.They have small or covered eyes and can probably still tell night from day, although they are otherwise blind. Moles eat small invertebrates living underground.  A mole's diet primarily consists of earthworms and other small invertebrates found in the soil and also a variety of nuts.  

"Life Is Short, Enjoy The View"

Moles excavate complex tunnel systems, yet their tunneling can be classified into two basic types -- shallow and deep.   In their search for worms and grubs just below the surface of the ground, moles create interconnected and haphazard shallow tunnels.  These feeding areas are often fairly large and can be identified by a "mushy" feeling when they are stepped upon.
Prevention and Control

Moles rarely travel above ground, so standard fencing does little to prevent them.  An underground vertical barrier can be installed using galvanized hardware cloth, with a 90 degree outward bend at the bottom. This method can be used in conjunction with standard fencing, rock and masonry walls, or alone.

  • wire mesh baskets for plants
  • wire mesh installed under lawns
  • wire mesh fence installed vertically 2' under ground around the perimeter of the yard
  • trapping
  • 6" cushion of 1"gravel around pvc and wire runs.
  • Smoke Bombs
  • Bait