Brick Patios, Driveways, Walkways and Steps
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BRICK - PATIO AND STEPS  .......................................................................
BRICK - DRIVEWAY, WALKWAY AND VENEER  ..................................
Brick driveway (borders and in-lay), walkway and home veneer.

Brick is used on this project to make a statement. The brick is used smartly to tie in the walkway and home veneer  with the driveway.   The driveway was designed with an aggregate concrete accented with brick in-lay and edging.  The Nandina plants with their reddish leaves add a perfect touch to the setting. 

Beautiful brick patio, border and steps.

Brick is one of the oldest building materials and can be a great solution for many hardscape projects.  It provides a smooth even surface and is easy to maintain.  This project has a used brick material giving it a traditional appearance.  The surrounding wood pergola, fence and retaining wall were painted in a deep rich matching tone.  Colorful plants provide interest and contrast complementing this outdoor room.

"Excellence In Craftsmanship"